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The Trusted Tech of MLB

First adopted for use in MLB games in 2022, the PitchCom® System has become an integral part of baseball’s efforts towards improving pace of play. In 2023, PitchCom seamlessly worked in tandem with the pitch timer to help provide a crisper pace, more action, better aesthetics and broader popularity to the sport. The improved pace of play, made possible by the PitchCom® system, particularly benefited young fans and families, who could watch the endings of games much more easily.

Learn More About PitchCom® in Pro Baseball

College Baseball

Since its introduction to the NCAA, every Men’s College World Series Champion has relied on PitchCom® for their on-field signal calling. Each year more programs are switching to PitchCom®, not compromising on quality and reliability for the only technology that is on-field and actually affects game outcomes. Over 80% of the top D1 programs will be using the PitchCom® System for the 2025 season.

The Southeastern Conference (SEC) announced a multi-year agreement with PitchCom® to provide on-field communications for all 16 of their baseball programs beginning with the 2025 season.

PitchCom® provides the only audio receiver that is legal for use in the NCAA for pitchers and fielders. While PitchCom® makes the best-in-class display receivers used by many top programs, most teams are switching to the same audio receivers used by professionals, realizing the many advantages that audio has over displays, including maintaining player focus on the field.

High School and Travel Ball

The NFHS has approved electronic communication between coach and catcher. The PitchCom® System is the only one that provides pre-recorded audio to the catcher, making the sound perfect every time. Leasing makes the system surprisingly affordable for the same devices used at the major league level. When the NFHS approves use of communication to pitchers, only the patented PitchCom® system will let you add an audio receiver assuming that the NFHS adopts the same rule as the NCAA.

Already approved for use in travel ball organizations like Perfect Game, the PitchCom® system makes perfect sense for travel ball teams to take their games to the next level. The audio receivers allow players to maintain their focus on the field as they hear instructions in their coach’s own voice.

How does PitchCom® work?

The patented PitchCom® System uses a lightning-fast transmitter that operates like a remote control. The audio receivers store mp3 audio tracks at specific numbered locations, and the display receivers do similarly with display text. Pushing any of the 9 buttons (or combination of buttons) instantly sends a highly encrypted signal to tell the receivers which numbered track(s) to play or display.

Why choose PitchCom® over other systems?

Two words: it works. Coaches who want to win shouldn’t wonder if their system will work at a critical moment. We heard from many coaches who tried another system and switched to PitchCom® that their previous system failed when they could least afford it. Players get thrown off by these disruptions leading to adverse outcomes. Some coaches simply accept the failures of these other systems and believe that this is just the nature of electronic communications. They don’t realize that there is a system where the signals get through at blazing speed every time, at the same time, to each player. There is a reason why PitchCom® was adopted by MLB and the contract extended multiple times. They trust the reliability, safety, security and speed of the PitchCom® system. So should you.

Why is a Direct Radio system better than a Network system?

If you’ve ever experienced dropped phone calls or slow WiFi, then you already know why. Connection is always assured with the PitchCom® System. We use a direct 915 MHz radio connection so that it works every time, everywhere. It’s a bit like your car remote. When it is in range of your car and you push the button, it unlocks your car, every time. Compare our direct radio connection to systems that rely on a cellular or WiFi network to make a connection. If the network goes down or reception is spotty, the entire system won’t work. We saw that happen at both the Men’s and Women’s College World Series in 2024 with other systems.

Why is PitchCom® faster than other systems?

PitchCom®’s speed advantage starts right at the transmitter. We don’t use a tablet or phone app to send messages. Systems using tablet apps are inherently slower than direct button pushing and transmission as apps have to recognize and process the touch before sending out a signal. 

To call pitches, locations and intent, you don’t have to switch screens with the PitchCom® transmitter. Each of those signals, or any other signal, is just a physical button push away. With the PitchCom® transmitter, a coach can select and send 789 different signal combinations (pitch/location/intent, for example) with three button pushes in less than a second. No other system can do that.

The use of direct radio communication is also faster than systems using networks. The signal is transmitted at the speed of light directly to every receiver on the field. Network-based systems rely on a network carrier to receive, route and distribute the signal to each receiver. The receivers don’t always receive the signal at the same time, if at all. Transmission through a network is simply slower than direct radio.

What makes PitchCom® more reliable?

PitchCom® was not designed by ‘coaches for coaches’. Instead, it was designed by engineers and refined over the years through our work with MLB. Bells and whistles like spray charts are flashy, but what do your players really need to receive on the field? Pitch calls and defensive signals have to reach every receiver at the same time, every time. The engineering of our hardware and software by us ensures that this happens. The assembly of each of our products is done by PitchCom® in-house in Scottsdale, Arizona, so we control the quality of every device that goes out the door. We don’t purchase any of our products from third parties, like other companies.

Also, direct radio communication means that there is no network to go down or to have trouble connecting to. We’ve seen connectivity issues occur in network-based systems in both the Men’s and Women’s College World Series. Every single pitch is important. Your system must be reliable.  

What makes the PitchCom® transmitter special?

The PitchCom® transmitter is the only transmitter that has been safety tested for on-field use by MLB and has been used at the highest levels of the game for more than three years. It can shrug off the hardest foul balls and still be able to send signals for the next pitch. The buttons of the PitchCom® transmitter provide access instantly to hundreds of combinations of pitches. There is no searching for a pitch on a screen, and no limitation to only thirty pitch and location combinations. The direct radio signal sent by the transmitter is instantly received all over the field, rather than relying on spotty reception from a smartphone or tablet sending signals over a network.

How easy is it to call pitches with PitchCom®?

If you can change the channel on your tv remote, you can easily call pitches using the PitchCom® transmitter. You don’t need a tablet to show you the names of the pitches. As shown in our demo on the home page, until you muscle memorize the buttons (which usually takes less than an hour of use), you can have a clipboard with a graphic showing the button assignments. With the PitchCom® transmitter, a coach or catcher can select and send 789 different combinations of pitch, location and intent within one second. No other system comes close to matching that performance. For example, some systems with tablets are limited by their screen to about 30 combinations. There is no such restriction with PitchCom®. 

Is PitchCom® customizable? 

Whether using audio receivers or display receivers, customizing the PitchCom® system is a snap. You can select from hundreds of our different pre-recorded audio tracks or record and install signals with your own voice. For display receivers, just type in what signals you want and load them into the receivers, a process which takes two minutes for a whole team’s worth of receivers. You can change them whenever you want.

What is the difference between audio and display Receivers and which should I choose?

PitchCom® makes the best, clearest displays on the market. Three lines of text are available. Totally customizable text. The font is large and easily read. However, we don’t recommend displays to anyone other than softball. We believe that Audio Receivers make much more sense for baseball players at all levels. Softball is excepted because current rules prevent anyone but the catcher from using audio. Most of the top D1 softball teams use PitchCom display receivers for their communications.

​An audio receiver allows a player to keep his FOCUS ON THE GAME. He is not looking down at his watch. A team in the 2024 NCAA tournament walked off their opponent by stealing home while the pitcher and catcher were looking down at their watches (not PitchCom®!) waiting for the signal to arrive. (Both teams have since upgraded to PitchCom® for the 2025 season). Eyes up is what every coach wants from their players.

​PitchCom® audio is what all professionals use in leagues around the world. Almost all of the top D1 teams are switching to audio from wrist displays. “Audio is the future, displays are the past.”

Can the audio receivers be heard by the other team?

No. PitchCom® audio receivers have 20 volume levels that can be set by the player to accommodate different ambient noise levels. Volume 1 is barely a whisper while Volume 20 can be heard in the loudest MLB stadium during a playoff game. Since the speaker is close to and directed towards the ear, the sound level is heard by the wearer but dissipates quickly as a function of distance. 

Is PitchCom® affordable?

We only lease our systems which makes them affordable at almost any level of competition, from travel ball to high school to college to professional. There are cheaper systems but you need to look at the true cost of ownership. In the rare instance that something breaks, we replace the device for free. There are no subscription fees, no shipping fees. And our system works. If a cheaper system doesn’t work reliably, then that system isn’t worth whatever you paid for it. Contact us to get a quote on a system that will be custom fit to your team.

Is PitchCom® legal in my conference or league?

PitchCom® audio and display receivers are legal for ALL conferences and leagues who follow NCAA Baseball rules. Additionally, the PitchCom® transmitter can be used on the field starting in 2025.

For those conferences and leagues that follow NCAA Softball rules, an audio receiver can only be worn by the catcher. Every other player on the field can wear a display receiver. The transmitter can only be used in the dugout.

For high schools, both in baseball and softball, the NFHS has allowed only the catcher to receive electronic communication. It can be audio or display so that the PitchCom® system is legal. It is our understanding that some state associations are allowing players other than catchers to wear receivers. You should check with your state association.

For travel ball, you need to check your tournament rules to ensure that you will be able to use PitchCom® at any specific tournament. Most organizations, such as Perfect Game and USA Softball, allow the use of electronic communication.